Rethinking Management Strategy with Sustainability at the Core of the Business

Sustainable Brands TOKYO
Response Ability, Inc.
The founder and CEO of Response Ability, Inc., a sustainability consultancy based in Kyoto, Executive Director of Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB) and a board member of Japan Ethical Initiative (JEI).
He is a scientist by training, received BSc from The University of Tokyo, MSc and PhD from Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo.
After working for National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia) as a researcher, he started his career as a consultant on sustainability in 2002.
He has been involved in and led numbers of projects by leading Japanese corporations and ministries to develop sustainability policies and implement them in their daily operations. He also gives advice to business executives on sustainable business management and to produce sustainable business models.
He is a member of various governmental committees and an advisor to sustainability related societies and forums both in Japan and internationally.

Toyota Motor Corporation
As Chief Sustainability Officer at Toyota Motor Corporation, Yumi Otsuka is leading Toyota’s corporate mission “Producing Happiness for All” and commitment to helping build a sustainable society.
She joined Toyota as one of the first female career-track administrative new recruits. Since then, she has consistently demonstrated leadership in promoting diversity and sustainability at the front line of transformation, including “Diversity Project,” “Mirai (future) Project,” and creation of motorsports business.
She graduated from School of Law, Osaka University (Japan), and earned an MBA degree from Dartmouth College (USA).

Lion Corporation
April 1987 Joined Lion Corporation
January 2009 Executive Officer, Director of Planning and Coordination Department, Health Care Products Division
January 2010 Senior Executive Officer, Executive General Manager of International Division
March 2012 Director, Executive Officer
January 2016 Director, Executive Officer, Responsible for CSR Promotion Department
Director, Senior Executive Officer, Responsible for Corporate Ethics, Human Resources Development Center, General Affairs Department, Management Support Department, Sustainability Promotion Department (current position)