[Sustainable Cities & Communities Forum] Afternoon Plenaries
Midpoint Assessment and Future Prospects for Achieving SDGs
- JP

Chiba University of Commerce
CSR/SDGs Consultant
March 1976 Graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law.
April 1977 Joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (currently the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
July 2005 Councillor, the Ministry of the Environment
August 2006 Councillor, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
July 2007 Director-General of the Kanto Regional Forest Office
March 2008 Retired the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
May 2008 Joined ITO EN, LTD.
July 2010 Director of ITO EN, LTD.
July 2014 Managing Executive Officer of ITO EN, LTD.
April 2019 Retired as Advisor of ITO EN, LTD.
April 2020 Professor at Platform for Arts and Science, Chiba University of Commerce (current position)
June 2022 Outside Director of NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION (current position)
[Official HP] Hidemitsu Sasaya Official Site (https://csrsdg.com/)

Global Compact Network Japan

Maniwa City

Sustainability Division
Benesse Holdings,Inc.

Chiba University of Commerce
Takako Hashimoto graduated from Ochanomizu University in Japan, and received a Ph.D. in computer science from Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering of University of Tsukuba. She worked for Ricoh Co. Ltd., in Japan, and led software products as a technical leader. From April of 2009, she became Professor of Chiba University of Commerce. She is currently the Vice President and Professor of the faculty of Commerce and Economics at Chiba University of Commerce. Her research topics are the data mining research and the social media analysis, especially topic extraction from millions of tweets related to disasters and topical problems like COVID-19. She has been served as Chair of IEEE Japan Council (2021-22), BoG of IEEE Computer Society (2021-23) and the Past Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering. She has been elected IEEE R10 Director-elect (2023-24). She received the IEEE 2019 MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award, and Fellow of the Information Processing Society of Japan.