How Investors and Society Evaluate Corporate Sustainable Brands
- JP

Takasaki City University of Economics

Equity Investment Division
Resona Asset Management Co.,Ltd.
He has been engaged in equity analyst work since 2005. After training in the U.S. along the way, he has been a small-cap fund manager since 2008, launching a concentrated small-cap fund for corporate pension funds in 2012, a Resona Japan Small and Mid-cap SDGs Fund (nicknamed “Nihon no Mirai”) in 2018, a global small and mid-cap SDGs fund in 2020, and a global impact investment fund (climate change) for listed stocks in 2021. He has received numerous awards, including the R&I Fund Award, Mercer Fund Award, Refinitive Lipper Fund Award Japan, and the Minister of the Environment Award for the 21st Century Principles for Financial Action. Participated as a member of the “Impact IPO Working Group Meeting” organized by the GSG Domestic Advisory Committee.

Monica oversees the research and stakeholder engagement in Japan at the independent climate think tank InfluenceMap since 2020. Previously, Monica was a researcher at the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) focusing on liquified natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen policy. She holds a Double Masters in Environmental Policy and Energy from Sciences Po and International Relations from Peking University, and a BA in Environment and Information Studies from Keio University. Co-Founder and Director at Stand With Ukraine Japan.

Nishimura & Asahi (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)