Creating a society that is aware of 'child Well-Being' ~Companies, NPOs and schools think together about the present and future.~
- JP

Sustainable Brands TOKYO
Aalborg University Business School Visiting Scholar
Shigeki Aoki is an expert on structuring and managing channels of distribution, and rivitarizing local areas throughout Japan. He is on a member of the board of trustees of the association of Design about Strategy for Zone Industry and Zone Brand.He has won several awards for his teaching, including Shakaijin Kisoryoku(Business Basic Skills) Award by MEIT(Ministry of Economy、Trade and Industry) in 2008. Professor Aoki has consulted and taught for a number of major corporations. Before joining KOMAZAWA in 2008, Professor Aoki served on the faculty of the University of Yamanashi Gakuin University.He is also a chairman of NPO Yamanashi Cycling Project. He got Master Degree of Commerce at Keio University in 1994. He finished the Ph.D Course of Commerce at Keio in 1997.

Sustainability Division
Benesse Holdings,Inc.

Benesse corporation