Day 1
  • JP

SB Pull Factor Workshop
Experience the Unique Business Development Workshop from SB Brands for Good

This workshop will be conducted in Japanese only.

In today’s world, purpose-driven branding has become essential in communicating with consumers. Brands are increasingly held accountable by society, and missteps can lead to harsh criticism. This highlights the need for a strong commitment to sustainability, as modern consumers seek actions that genuinely promote a “good life” amidst the abundance of information and products.

The SB Pull Factor Workshop was developed by Brands for Good, a coalition of corporate members from Sustainable Brands U.S. This initiative unites marketers, brand leaders, and other stakeholders to encourage sustainable actions among consumers.

Join us at SB’25 TOKYO-Marunouchi to experience a part of this workshop. Discover how to enhance brand relevance, deepen consumer engagement, and promote sustainable lifestyles by leveraging your brand’s power


Futoshi Takashima
Communication Producer
Brands for Good
Founder / CEO
General Incorporated Association “NEW HERO”

Futoshi Takashima is a founder / CEO of the General Incorporated Association “NEWHERO”, which approaches social issues from the creator’s point of view and runs a community that connects social activists and creators.
Futoshi is also a visual director/documentalist, specialized in bringing out and capturing ephemeral emotions and moments from individuals, and actively creates social-good content.
He efficiently applies visual expression and ideas which he cultivated through his experience in the advertisement industry, in the field that solves social challenges, and works on creating new stories that reach out to people’s hearts.
His major works are P&G’s “Mom’s Happy 1st Anniversary”” (ママも1歳、おめでとう) etc., which won awards both at home and abroad.

Relation Sessions


SB'25 TOKYO-Marunouchi

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