- JP
ESD Session
Studies on Language, Text and Culture, under the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokyo
Daiki Nagaoka, born in Katsuyama, Fukui, was an active member of the Katsuyama Machi-zukuri (Community Design) Project during his junior high school years. The project, which aimed to make Katsuyama “beautiful,” “energetic,” and “famous,” earned the 6th ESD Grand Prize for its impactful initiatives, including showcasing local attractions and selling goods to raise awareness.
In university, surrounded by peers from Tokyo, Daiki developed a deeper appreciation for rural areas and their untapped potential. In 2023, he studied at the University of Warwick in the UK as an exchange student, gaining an objective perspective on Japan and recognizing how rural areas are often overshadowed by major cities like Tokyo. This experience deepened his attachment to rural communities and inspired him to seek ways to connect them with the global community, starting with his hometown of Katsuyama.
In his free time, Daiki enjoys playing badminton and watching films.